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Performance & Quality Improvement

The Free Will Baptist Children’s Home staff is committed to providing quality care for all the children we serve.  We accomplish this through a PQI Plan as a part of our accreditation process with the Council on Accreditation. We are committed to ensuring timely, periodic, and organized reviews of the quality of our services. These reviews enable us to implement needed changes to ensure this quality of care. We value stakeholder feedback, and you can comment on the contact tab of this website.  

July 2023 - December 2023 PQI Activities


  • For the 2023-24 fiscal year, the agency’s PQI will focus on 4 areas of growth and activity in alignment with the agency’s strategic plan:

    • Pursue additional training opportunities for leadership and staff development.

    • Improvement of health and safety measures.

    • Review and improve agency communication methods within departments, among different departments and with stakeholders.

    • Explore and recommend an evidence-based model of care for implementation across all programs by fiscal year 2024-25.


  • In preparation for Council on Accreditation (COA) reaccreditation in October 2023, all manuals were thoroughly reviewed, compared to current practice and implementation and revised accordingly.


  • The agency was reaccredited by COA in October 2023 with expedited status. Of the 806 standards or areas/sections of review, the agency received full compliance/implementation ratings of “1” in over 91% of the areas. Only 9% of the areas/standards were rated as “2” with sound practices noted. No areas were noted for significant improvement. The scale of compliance ranged from 1-4, with 1 as the highest rating. Of particular note, Adoption Services and Thrive Independent Living were accredited for the first time.


  • In response to previous actions taken to increase campus safety measures

    • An Active Threat workgroup was formed and is meeting regularly to make recommendations which will help the agency implement an action plan if a threat were to take place.

    • Campus-wide disaster drills were evaluated by a workgroup and changes implemented to ensure quicker response times and better compliance.

    • Emergency Preparedness Plans were updated and posted in all campus buildings.

    • Additional accident safety training was recommended for employee slips, trips and falls.


  • In response to a desire to share information in a timelier manner with stakeholders the agency’s methods for sharing information with stakeholders was refined and added as a part of the PQI Plan.


  • In response to a need for comparison of program outcomes measures data across multiple periods, a new standardized format for reporting was adopted.


  • In response to the need for more representation on PQI from across the agency the Director of Facility Services as well as a rotating Full Time Cottage Parent will be added to the team in January 2024.


  • In response to the November 2023 consumer and employee surveys and previous surveys the following actions were taken or recommended:

    • A full-time Training Coordinator started January 2, 2024.

    • Employee recognitions and department outings and rewards were implemented.

    • In order to receive a better participation rate on surveys from foster parents, DSS and biological parents, new methods were implemented.

    • Numerous employee suggestions were made to improve employee turnover, which will be discussed with agency leadership.

    • More cross-department events were held on campus.


  • In response to the need for more specific measurement of program outcomes and program review:

    • All programs constantly review person centered logic models naming specific inputs and activities as well as what outputs were produced, and outcomes measured by the program to ensure quality service delivery.

    • All programs monitor and report quarterly on safety, medication review for compliance, client record review for compliance, grievances, referrals, admissions and discharges.

 Summary of November 2023 Semi-Annual Survey Results


Surveys are scaled 1-5 with 1 the lowest rating and 5 the highest rating.


Alternative Family Placement Youth Survey Results

The overall average score from 1-5 was a 4 in youth satisfaction.

The highest average scores were 4.2 related to being educated about sexuality, having enough to eat, and available staff to listen.

The lowest average score was a 3.6 related to getting along well with authority figures.


Independent Living Youth Survey Results

The overall average score from 1-5 was a 4.5 in youth satisfaction.

The highest average score was a 4.8 in the area of service plans to meet goals.

The lowest average score was a 4.2 in the area of available staff to listen.


Bridge Learning Center Parent Satisfaction Survey Results

The overall average score from 1-5 was a 4.95 in parent satisfaction.

The highest score was 5.0 in the areas of respectful treatment by staff, courteous & professional staff, quick response to concerns, loving & nurturing staff, safe environment, physical and spiritual needs met, and offering activities for families to interact with other families.

The lowest score was a 4.8 in the areas of meeting educational needs and parents feeling encouraged to participate in goal planning for their child.


Parent Satisfaction Survey Results

There were no surveys returned by residential parents/guardians.


DSS Satisfaction Survey Results

The overall average score from 1-5 was a 4.4 in DSS satisfaction.

The highest average score was a 4.8 in the areas of timely response to referrals, sensitivity to cultural differences, staff respect for children & families and client confidentiality. 

The lowest average score was a 3.4 in the area of Service Plan meeting participation and feedback opportunity from those meetings.  


Foster Care and Adoptions Satisfaction Survey Results

The overall average score from 1-5 was a 4.67 in foster parent satisfaction.

The highest average score was a 4.85 in the areas of FC social workers being supportive and also helpful during admission process.

The lowest average score was a 4.35 in the area of reasonably accommodating the foster child’s ethnic, cultural and/or religious traditions.

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